our hardwood forests
Maximize environmental benefits

stronger markets for hardwood lumber equal clean water, clean air, and wildlife habitats

Our premium hardwood forests will
sustainably capture and store carbon


northern hardwoods forests grow capture and convert CO2

Grow, Capture & Convert CO2

Trees capture CO2 from the air and covert it into carbon within usable solid wood.

Harvested trees permanently store the carbon that was captured as the tree grew.

Harvest & Store

Harvested trees — made into hardwood lumber and finished wood products — permanently store the carbon that was captured as the tree grew.

northern hardwoods forests regenerate

Forests Naturally Regenerate

Our forests naturally regenerate after harvests with no need for any chemicals.

our selective

Harvest approach

To allow our forests to continue to have a positive impact on CO2 capture, Northern Hardwoods is highly selective at every harvest. Our hardwood forests are never clear cut. Instead, our experienced foresters inspect, choose and harvest only the most ideal trees. Our people and cutting edge equipment work together to allow the forest to naturally replenish and to protect younger, healthy trees so they can continue to grow and store carbon.

northern hardwoods carefully plan each harvest

1 Selected trees are clearly marked. The harvest is carefully planned to allow younger, healthier trees to keep growing and storing carbon.

winter forest

2 Our cutting edge equipment and experienced people maximize yield with minimum forest disruption.

maple logs

3 Premium, one of a kind Hard White Maple trees will continue to flourish and produce exquisite logs like these.

Making it happen

steve hicks

“Sustainable harvested forests are our number one priority. By protecting our forests while we harvest today, our supply of excellent hardwoods is guaranteed for tomorrow.”

Steve Hicks

Longyear Company

tim schneider

“Our cutting-edge harvesting equipment and skillful operators effectively harvest only the trees that are ready. They always leave the rest of the forest healthy and growing.”

Tim Schneider

Forest Operations Manager
Longyear Company

kate tatu

“Healthy, hardworking forests are our greatest asset. Our planet and our jobs depend on how we care for them.”

Kate Tatu

Log Procurement
Northern Hardwoods

Northern Hardwood forest
Maximize carbon capture

50 percent of the dry weight of Northern Hardwood trees is carbon